Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Legion of Boom;True Fans or Bandwagon?

We all know of the smack down victory the Seattle Seahawks achieved on Superbowl 48,that game had fans and non-fans alike cheering for the great win. A number of those non-fans included native Californians. After the Superbowl, Seahawk jerseys started appearing everywhere from high school campuses to out at the mall. Stores that had never sold Seahawk gear instantly stocked up on jerseys, caps, and other accessories. Sure enough  people that never rooted for the Seahawks before the Superbowl began rocking Seattle gear as if  they were day 1 fans. Seahawk gear has become as fashionable as Raider gear(yes you read that right). Although the Raiders are one of the most underrated teams in the NFL, on the West coast Raider gear is very fashionable as it adds a gritty cool look to any outfit. Which brings up the doubt of the fan base of the infamous Legion of Boom, how many are just bandwagon?  California is very far from Seattle, so where the heck did all these Seahawk fans in San Diego come from? Because they sure weren't here  before the Superbowl. 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Real Deal On Urban San Diego's Youth

Downtown San Diego

So I'm sure you've seen pictures of flossy rich teenagers at La Jolla beach in topless jeeps with their fancy sun hats and sundresses,and I'm sure you've thought "Huh, that must be San Diego fashion". NOT! This blog is here to show you that not all of us cruise by  beaches in shiny new beamers,and that we're not all surfer dudes and rich girls(although I must admit we love the beach). This blog will show you the latest trends for us California teens,the hottest hangouts, and REAL west coast fashions. This is the real deal on the youth of San Diego

In Chicano Park Under The Bridge

Chicano Park

 Many know the classic oldies jam about being under the bridge of this culturally credited park, but Chicano Park is a hot hangout spot to chill with your friends or just to gaze at the beautiful artwork depicting Mexican heritage. This park is home to various murals of creative graffiti works and of course the skillfully painted bridge. So grab your friends ,some munchies, and head down to Chicano Park so you can chill "under the bridge".